Potion of the Day GAN
AI Image Model: Apothecary (by KaliYuga)
AI Potion Name/Description: https://talktotransformer.com and KaliYuga
[This is just a selection; more can be found on Hive. Originally posted from 2020-2021 on Hive]

Potion Name: Potion of Alchemicystic
Potion Description: A bizarre blue potion that temporarily forces you to stretch your creativity!

Potion Name: Melodramatic Potion
Potion Description: A raucous scent pours out from the bottle, bringing a sense of joy and brimstone to your day. It is as if you were ripping off a piece of yourself. You would think the fact you drink this potion would mean you’d be on fire, but you aren’t.
Effect: Doesn’t actually seem to do anything, but when you wake up you’ll smell like cinnamon and bourbon.

Potion Name: Bacon Potion
Potion Description: You can’t help but throw your head back and moan in ecstasy.

Potion Name: Poison Potion
Potion Description: A rich red potion with a hint of sweetness. Cough with the veins on your neck and pop bubble gum. If the only way you can stay awake is by squirting it in your eyes, this is the potion for you.

Potion Name: Pyrotechnics Potion
Potion Description: You spill a storm of fireworks, shattering the dust in front of you. You look up at the sky and see it filled with little pins and needles. You start crying uncontrollably, all the while turning into more fireworks.

Potion Name: Bloody Potion
Potion Description:
The smell of death is in the air, and you’ve just smelled it. The fluid oozes from your nose, in a nasty, putrid glaze that stings your eyes.
Potion Effects: The fumes are foul and worse, they cause instant death. Everyone, no exceptions, will be smoking ashes.

Potion Name: The Howl of Fear
Potion Description: A deep purple liquid that flickers violently around its container; there is a strong, crazy force of emotion welling inside the potion. Whoever drinks this potion will be overcome by a powerful fear, knowing nothing is possible but fear.

Potion Name: Metallurgy Formula V
Potion Description: Those wood chips you found will be turned into iron ingots. The amount of ingots received depends on the quality of your carpenter’s workbench.

Potion Name: Blood Arrow Formula
Potion Description: Brewed from an attractive white herb with red thorns, this potion looks incredibly appealing. Just like you, it’s toxic. You almost feel sorry for the guy who found the plant, since he didn’t know what kind of effect it has.

Potion Name: Frost Magic Potion
Potion Description: After drinking the potion, the effects of freezing become instant. You no longer feel fear, pain, or shock, and your body is completely safe from harm. Although the freezing is fatal, you are at peace and ignore the agony

Potion Name: Magic Mushroom Formula
Potion Description: A refreshing green potion that enhances your physical abilities and allows you to fight enemies who would attack you with their own mind.

Potion Name: 2x Sludge
Potion Description: It tastes like cornflakes. You’re allergic to cornflakes.

Potion Name: Fruit Fire
Potion Description: The first sip of the alcohol-spiked juice turns your entire body into a warm red. What’s worse, it does so quickly. You catch a high, and instantly decide you want more. You are oblivious to the slow burn of the alcohol slowly destroying your metabolism.
Potion Effect: You become more of a booze-crazed drunken demon of destruction than a booze-crazed drunk demon of destruction.

Potion Name: Telekinesis Potion
Potion Description: A magical potion that makes it possible to throw objects. The effects seem to make these objects fly farther and quicker. This potion will probably make your mom angry.

Potion Name: Super Potion of Centrifugal
Potion Description: You feel the cosmos shifting slightly as the potent potion is applied!